...is to help foster a thriving worldwide movement of interactive storytellers


1. Personal Discipleship

Jesus told us to follow him and to lead others to be his disciples. The Storyweavers approach to that is truly God-dependent, relational, practical, personally and culturally relevant, and deeply satisfying.  It's all about connecting well with God and people —beginning with those who enter into this very participative, Scripture-focused, training.   Trainees come out of the training equipped to begin personally discipling others.   

2. Personal Evangelism

Have you ever wondered how your experience with God could make sense to others?  Or has fear of crossing that conversational threshold held you back from sharing the Good News?  Do you have loved ones with whom you want to share God's wonderful message, but they are opposed to it?  The Storyweavers approach to biblical storyweaving opens doors, enriches our conversations, and breaks down barriers in ways that feel natural, and that build friendship, trust, understanding and hope —all using personal and Scripture-focused stories.  Trainees come out of this training equipped to share their faith in ways that can be adapted to any cultural context.  


3. Healthy Spirituality & Leadership

Our life with God truly needs to be what fuels our service for God.  In this training, participants experience God speaking through Scripture to bring ever greater healing, peace and strength to the deepest parts of their identity and life with Him. This emotionally healthy spirituality is very Scripture-centric, has been designed especially for oral learners, and provides an approach to life and leadership that adapts and reproduces well in all cultures.

4. Addiction Recovery

Across the world, individuals, families and even entire communities have been devastated by slavery to alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling and more. The Storyweavers response is Freedom Ascent —a way that local churches and groups of Christ-followers can build "mini communities of recovery" which provide long-term support for addiction recovery that is biblically and medically sound.  In this training, leaders are not only equipped to facilitate Freedom Ascent recovery groups, but discover God's strength to face their own vulnerabilities.